Arifur Rahman



I am Arif, a manufacturing engineer at Paramount Components Ltd., a 32+ years old sheet metal fabrication company in Abbotsford. I have been serving this role since march, 2020, and have gathered extensive experiences of handling large collaborative projects in industrial sphere. For example, I was in charge of manufacturing a large fuel testing assembly, consisting of 50+ components, that is worth of $250k+ revenue in 2022. In this project, I have worked with design team to analyze CAD models of all components of the assembly. I have modified design considering manufacturability, prepared flat layouts and CNC programs, created jigs/fixtures, designed fabrication processes, and prepared work orders for production floor and monitored work in progress. I have performed troubleshooting, root cause and corrective action analysis on production defects, by collaborating with quality and production teams. Some transferable skills that I have significantly developed from company are quick learning capability, multitasking and prioritizing skills, collaboration and customer handling skills, etc.

I also developed excellent skills of communicating and dealing with people of various cultures when I worked as a Sales Advisor for Club Demonstration Services. During this period, I gained 100+ hours experiences in sales, where I demonstrated and sold products worth of $100k+ (Nov., 2020 - Feb., 2021).

I completed my M.A.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of British Columbia (2018-2020), with my thesis focused on material fabrication and characterization, and statistical analysis. I was lucky to be one of first few students of prof. Dr. Kevin Golovin, an excellent material scientist, from who I learned fabrication processes (e.g., thin film deposition, plasma etching, dip coating, wet processes, etc.) and characterization research in person. My thesis was mainly based on a couple of novel characterization methods, where I utilized fabrication of polymeric coating, imaging techniques, such as SEM, AFM, Laser interferometer, etc., mathematical modeling and statistics. This work was published in prestigious journal, Langmuir (impact factor: 4.33), in 2020. In another project published in ACS applied material interfaces (impact factor: 10.38), I developed a polymeric coating for paper substrates, called the nano-PDMS, that is capable of repelling almost all liquids and usable in various applications such as microfluidics, paper funnel, food packaging, etc. Other projects involve, development of ice detector sensor, water repellent textiles, etc.

I also have 2+ years of experiences on CFD simulation and digital twin modelling as an undergraduate researcher, and later on, as a research assistant in the Mechanical Engineering Department of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), under the supervision of Dr. Ashiqur Rahman. I did simulation-based fire and smoke modeling for the first time in Bangladesh to mitigate the fire issues that have been critical in the garment industry of my country for past few decades.

To write about my personal life, I enjoy talking to new people! I have interests on nearly every topic you can think of! However, I get lot more involved in philosophical conversations. I like to talk to elderly people more, they often have a lot amazing stuffs to share from their life experiences! Kids are amazing, they have so many nice observations that they share with you in extraordinarily simple ways. I also love partying, and checking-out new restaurants with friends and colleagues. I love south Asian biriyani and most items with really hot spices, Asian Sushis, Mexican burritos, Vietnamese Pho! Our first conversation might start with my request for your food suggestion from your culture! My hobbies are gymnastics, cooking, and singing! I have performed singing several times on stage. I have a plan of learning guitar too! Reach me out for knowing me more, and lets know each other!


Wettability Analysis Method of Real Rough Surfaces

Say, someone brought a rough surface to you, and started asking for predicting its wettability without even using the liquid! The classical theories fail to meet this issue. In this project, I presented a set of theories that I obtained by merging statistical metrology to wettability, to develop a method, which we call the SHWARTS (Statistical Heuristic Wettability Analysis Method of Randomly Textured Surfaces). For certain surfaces it works quite well for predicting wettability, while the existing methods and theories fail to do so!

This work was published in Langmuir in 2020.

Oil and Water Repellent Papers

Plastic sheets are used across many industries worldwide. Their good mechanical properties combined with their hydrophobicity make for ideal, waterproof barriers. But what if sustainable, recyclable paper could be engineered to offer the same performance? What if you grocer didn't need to ask “paper or plastic?” because the paper outperformed the plastic?

We developed non-toxic paper coatings on papers that can repel wide range of liquids, including water and oil with extremely sliding angle. This work was published in ACS Applied Materials Interfaces

Ice Detector and Preventor Sensor

Did you know most pilots detect ice growing on an airplane wing visually? There's gotta be a better way. And there is! We performed a multidisciplinary work on detecting ice underneath anti-icing coatings, combining surface science and surface sensing for excellent engineering!

This work is published in ACS Applied Materials Interfaces

Water-Repellent, Non-toxic Textiles

Making non-toxic hydrophobic textiles without compromising air permeability is an active field of research. I discovered an easy method of preparing non-toxic silicone-based hydrophobic coating on textiles that do not compromise the porosity, and thus shows promises to ensure user's comfort!

Fire and Smoke Prediction in Garment Buildings in Bangladesh

If you are buying your clothes in a mall, you'd probably be seeing ‘made in Bangladesh' printed on the textile products! Bangladesh has a very large industry of garment products that it supplies to all over the world including Canada and US. However, this industry has been greatly impeded by the fire incidents that killed thousands of garment workers over the last few decades, causing the garment industries to lose its buyers! During my undergraduate study, and later as a research assistant, I pioneered simulation-based fire and smoke mitigation research in Bangladesh in 2017.

Fire and smoke propagation modeling in Multi-storied garment building, published in the conference proceeding of the American Institute of Physics (AIP) .


Google Scholar | ResearchGate

  • Khandoker, M.A.R. ; Golovin, K. Statistical Heuristic Wettability Analysis of Randomly Textured Surfaces. Langmuir 2020 , 36, 47, 14361–1437.
  • Zhao, X.; Khandoker, M.A.R.; Golovin, K. Non-fluorinated Omniphobic Paper with Ultralow Contact Angle Hysteresis. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020 , 12, 15748-15756.
  • Kozak, R.; Wiltshire, B.; Khandoker, M.A.R. ; Golovin, K.; Zarifi, M.H. Modified Microwave Sensor with Patterned Ground Heater for Detection and Prevention of Ice Accumulation. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020 . .
  • Khandoker, M. A. R. ; Mow, R. J.; Muntaha, M. A.; Rahman, M. A. Numerical Simulation of Fire in a Multistoried Ready-Made Garments Factory using PyroSim. AIP Conference Proceedings 2018 , 1980, 050026.
  • Khandoker, M. A. R. ; Galib, M.; Islam, A.; Rahman, M. A. Modelling of Fire and Fire Induced Smoke Propagation in Multizone Generic Building Structures. AIP Conference Proceedings 2017 , 1851, 020074.
  • Haque, F. M.; Khandoker, M.A. R.; Wasi, M.R.; Khan, M. S. A.; Rahman, M. A. Computer Modelling of Fire Safety Performance of a Readymade Garments (RMG) Building in Bangladesh. Proceedings, Safety in the Garment Industry, Five Years after Rana Plaza April 30, 2018 .
  • Keegan, C.; Khatir, B.; Khandoker, M.A.R. ; Golovin, K.; Milani, A. S. On the Development of Self-Sensing Textile Preforms Using Fused Deposition Modelling: A Preliminary Investigation of Process Parameters 2019.
  • Khandoker, M.A.R. ; Alasvand, K.; Golovin, K. IDEas_CP_0678 Component 1aFinal Report.06/2019. 16 pages. (Industrial report)
  • Khandoker, M.A.R. ; Golovin, K. IDEas_CP_0678 Interim Progress Report.03/2019. 17 pages. (Industrial report).


  • “Statistical Wettability Analysis of Randomly Textured Surfaces”, Wetting Dynamics, Bonn, Germany, September, 2020 (Poster presentation)
  • “Solution- Free Preparation Method of Hydrophobic Nano-PDMS Coating for Fabrics”, 119th Scientific Session, Institute of Textile Science, March, 2020 (Oral presentation).
  • “Numerical Simulation of Fire in a Multistoried Ready-Made Garments Factory using PyroSim”, 7th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Conference, 2017(Oral presentation).
  • “Modelling of Fire and Fire Induced Smoke Propagation In Multizone Generic Building Structures”, AIP Proceedings of the 7th Bangladesh Society of Mechanical Engineering Conference on Thermal Engineering, 2016 (Oral presentation).



  • A non-credit workshop series comprising 28 hours of instructor-led lectures, discussions, applied learning activities.
  • Issued by Irvin K. Barber School of Arts & Science, University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC.
  • Topics covered
    • Project management principles: General use of PM, Value proposition of PM techniques, Project life-cycle, Defining goals and deliberables using the SMART paradigm, Project scope definition, Developing work breakdown structures and network diagrams, Time management and scheduling (Calenders and Gantt charts), Identification of constraints, assumptions, and risks: Risk mitigation.
    • Relationship management: Identifying hard and soft expectations, Personality types, Management styles.
    • Communications : The importance of Communication in PM, Developing a 30s pitch: the 7 C's of communication, Difficult conversations, Presentations, Writing, Professional Correspondence, Effective meetings, Negotiations, Articulations of PM Techniques.


Council Member, Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC), UBC Okanagan (2019-2020)

  • Represented the masters students of engineering to convey their concerns in the GSAC meetings to the dean and director of the College of Graduate Studies.

VP Internal Communications, Engineering Graduate Student Society (EGSS), UBC Okanagan (2019-2020)

  • Led more than 300 engineering graduate students.
  • Impacted research prospect within and outside the campus by organizing the first UBC Okanagan Engineering Conference.
  • Improved graduate student lives by raising funds for their living by carrying out survey.
  • Inspired team building and networking among the grad students by organizing a camping event for 33 graduate students at Valemont (BC), Banff and Jasper (Alberta).
  • Engaged with industries like KalTire, Fortis BC etc to manage sponsorships worth $20k for the conference event ensuring maximum brand exposure to the audiences.

VP Communications, Association of Bangladeshi Students, UBC Okanagan (2018-2019)

  • Led the executive team to organize monthly events for 100+ bangladeshi students to provide opportunities for networking within the community.


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Masters Supervisor

Dr. Kevin Golovin
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of British Columbia,
Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250.807.9774

Undergraduate Supervisor

Dr. Md. Ashiqur Rahman
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET),
Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Magnam dolores commodi suscipit. Necessitatibus eius consequatur ex aliquid fuga eum quidem. Sit sint consectetur velit. Quisquam quos quisquam cupiditate. Et nemo qui impedit suscipit alias ea. Quia fugiat sit in iste officiis commodi quidem hic quas.

Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim donec porttitora entum suscipit rhoncus. Accusantium quam, ultricies eget id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper.

Saul Goodman

Ceo & Founder

Export tempor illum tamen malis malis eram quae irure esse labore quem cillum quid cillum eram malis quorum velit fore eram velit sunt aliqua noster fugiat irure amet legam anim culpa.

Sara Wilsson


Enim nisi quem export duis labore cillum quae magna enim sint quorum nulla quem veniam duis minim tempor labore quem eram duis noster aute amet eram fore quis sint minim.

Jena Karlis

Store Owner

Fugiat enim eram quae cillum dolore dolor amet nulla culpa multos export minim fugiat minim velit minim dolor enim duis veniam ipsum anim magna sunt elit fore quem dolore labore illum veniam.

Matt Brandon


Quis quorum aliqua sint quem legam fore sunt eram irure aliqua veniam tempor noster veniam enim culpa labore duis sunt culpa nulla illum cillum fugiat legam esse veniam culpa fore nisi cillum quid.

John Larson




205-120 McIntosh rd., Kelowna, BC V1X 7E8, Canada.


+1 (250) 899-0781

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